Filler and Fan-Service

1st Topic Discussion: Fillers

Greetings readers of the AW blog this is Blitzzz147 here with our first anime discussion topic of the day, Fillers: Fillers are very common within the Anime Community for those of you who do not know what fillers are, they are simply episodes, sections and/or chapters within an Anime that is used to fill in the gaps between the main storyline, they also hold no significance to the overall plot. Fillers are more often than not blatantly shunned out by Anime fans because of its lack of progression in the plot, for example One Piece, an Anime that consist of over 500+ episodes and counting which is widely known all over the world as being part of an Anime grouping created by fans known as The Big 3, but that story is for another time. Right now however One Piece is very popular amongst fans but it is also popular for the amount of filler it has, as it contains around 90 to possibly 100 of its episodes with plain filler. Now to clarify fillers are not a bad thing to have in an Anime series, because granted filler is also used to shift away from the main story and focus on more of the sub-plots or even develop the characters, for example one of my favourite Anime of all time Code Geass, and Anime that consist of 50 episodes has a decent amount of filler in its series. In fact a low minority of the Anime itself contain filler, and since Code Geass is mainly a mecha/action/psychological Anime, it uses its time and filler to focus on the comedic aspects and the sub-plots of the series, not to mention that it is with these specific episodes that plays out a huge role in the upcoming events in the series, but there are also some Animes that don’t even need the use of filler like One Piece.

As I have mentioned One Piece consists of 500+ episodes which by itself, is already way too long for an Anime to run, it contains a lot of filler that do not pertain any meaning to the series at all. You would think that with over 500 episodes already produced with its own variety of characters that the series would not need to create filler based on the fact that characters should already be developed. But sadly they continue to produce filler even with its large quantity of episodes in its main story, it’s as if the ideas that weren’t good enough to be used as a main story arc was just crammed into a filler episode, which in my opinion is just overall stupid and lazy for the Company. But it’s not just One Piece even shows like Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon stick to this sort of series pattern. But some filler without trying to develop characters or progress the story can be purely used for entertainment value, for example Full Metal Panic!, an Anime that consist of 49 episodes has its own fair share of fillers. However a certain season within Full Metal Panic entitled Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu, was said to be purely and if not completely filler, mainly because Fumoffu does not progress the plot of the main story it does however produce its own story, which is why Fumoffu is mostly referred to by fans as a side-story rather than filler. This is because the entire season of Fumoffu is focused on a comedic aspect driving itself away from the action packed mecha genre that the other 2 seasons of Full Metal Panic live up to. Even when additional episodes are added into an Anime, after the story has ended it can be considered filler merely because of the series conclusion; however they do this just to treat the fans with more content and hint towards possible sequels, so ultimately fillers can be a good thing if done right but can also bite back if mistreated. So to conclude this discussion topic please leave your thoughts in the comments and with that being said it’s time to move on to our second topic of the day.

2nd Topic Discussion: Fan-Service

Now our second Anime discussion for the day will be on Fan-Service: Indeed for those of you who do not know what the term “fan-service” means in the Anime world allow me to elaborate, fan service is what you call a scene where boobs, ass and panty shots are heavily the highlight of the moment, for example High School of the Dead, an Anime that consist of 12 episodes with its own Manga Counterpart known to be “The Worst Manga of the Year” in its time, uses a majority of fan service scenes. Now fan-service isn’t a bad concept to be used in Anime, because fan-service is mainly used to attract more male viewers, as the nature of fan-service scenes clearly arouses and interests the male perspective. It is a useful method to increase the male audience. But on that note there are times where fan-service is just overused like in High School of the Dead, it is guaranteed that you will not find a single episode in High School of the Dead that does not feature at least one fan-service scene, in this Anime specifically fan-service is used to such an extent that it becomes distracting to the show’s main view and reduces the emotional impact that was in that moment. The boobs especially in High School of the Dead are so distracting that they even have their own sound effects and physics engine, the show always constantly reminds you that the females in the show have gigantic breasts and that it feels obligated to point the camera in the most awkward positions even during action scene, this makes the show itself completely destroy any serious tone that it had going for it. But like I said fan-service in other cases is not a bad concept, in fact shows such as Code Geass and Full Metal Panic that use mild fan-service don’t bother me at all because they keep the audiences true focus on its story rather than its cleavage. But seeing as though HOTD is the only show that I have seen recently doing this I can’t complain about it otherwise, and with that I leave you ladies and gentlemen Blitzzz147 logging out. 

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